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Northland Consulting View

Analysis of digital transformation demand characteristics and transformation strategies of specialized and special new enterprises

Release date: 2024-03-04

Source: Beijing International Engineering Consulting Co., LTD

Abstract: Specialized new enterprises are the vanguard and leading goose of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country. Their digital transformation needs and small and medium-sized enterprises gradually produce a more significant difference, clear enterprise needs and the status quo of digital transformation is an important premise to carry out digital transformation and improve the transformation quality。This paper deeply analyzes the digital transformation needs of specialized and special new enterprises, and summarizesprogressive”“Planning first”“High energy input”“Active chain meltingAnd give suggestions from the government side, market side and enterprise side, aiming to create a better digital transformation ecological environment and help specialized and special new enterprises walk out of a new digital road。

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that:“Developing the digital economy is a strategic choice to seize the new opportunities of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and an important engine for building a modern economic system。Small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) are the main force of our country's digital economy development and the main battlefield of digital transformation。


First, the transformation necessity of specialized and special new enterprises


Specialized and special new enterprises are the vanguard and leading goose of China's small and medium-sized enterprises, and the core force of China's real economy upgrading and transformation。Technical innovation ability is the soul of the development of specialized special new enterprises, technical innovation ability gives specialized special new enterprises in the field of segmentation to continuously overcome the technical strength, the first to achieve core parts, key technology breakthroughs。The digital transformation of specialized new enterprises can enable enterprises to develop, innovate and make breakthroughs in research and development,Integrate digital technology with enterprise production and operation,It is conducive to the formation of a development pattern that promotes the improvement of enterprise total factor productivity,Make industrial and supply chains more resilient,Help the deep cultivation of professional fields, focus on the core technology of specialized special new enterprises high-quality development。


Second, the characteristics of the digital transformation needs of specialized new enterprises


Compared with small and medium-sized enterprises, specialized new enterprises have more advantages and characteristics in technology, market, enterprise management and development prospects。Specialized new enterprises usually have strong technological innovation ability and competitiveness in their deep subdivisions,Has formed a certain brand and customer groups,Can provide differentiated, customized services and products,To occupy more market share, enhance customer loyalty and loyalty;The scale of personnel specializing in special new enterprises is larger;The company's business links from single to multiple,From single production and processing to gradually forward and backward expansion to include research and development, design, manufacturing, marketing and other links;The company's business departments from concentrated in a certain region to the country more flowering,Even gradually extended to overseas markets。In addition to the shortage and problems of capital, personnel and technology on the road of digital transformation, specialized new enterprises with the above advantages still have significant differences between the digital transformation needs of specialized new enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises, which can be summarized as followsprogressive”“Planning first”“High energy input”“Active chain melting

(1) The level of digitalization is generally inAdvanced upgradeAt this stage, generalized standard services and products cannot meet the transformation needs

202210In October, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology released the Evaluation Index of the Digitalization Level of smes, which evaluates the digitalization level of smes from the four dimensions of digital foundation, operation, management and effectiveness, and divides the digitalization level into four levels[1](表1)。

1 Digital level classification


Relevant data shows that there are currently89%Small and medium-sized enterprises are in the exploration stage of digital transformation, basically in the first level of digital level.8%Small and medium-sized enterprises are in the advanced stage of digital transformation, basically in the second level of digital level;Only have...3%More than half of smes are in the deep application stage of digital transformation, at or above the third level of digital level。The average level of digitalization of specialized and specialized new enterprises can basically reach the second level, and the digitalization level of specialized and specialized new enterprises in the information and software industry is higher than that of other industries;The digital level of small giant enterprises is basically in the second to third level, and some enterprises with early digital transformation and strong transformation consciousness can reach the fourth level。The digital level of specialized new enterprises has passed the stage of exploration and experimentation, and is inAdvanced upgradeAt this stage, enterprises have basically completed the first stage of digital transformation through standardized services and products with relatively single functions, and with the in-depth cultivation of specialized new enterprises in the field of segmentation, the next step of digital upgrading needs will also be met by personalized and comprehensive solutions。

(2) It is more necessary to systematically plan for digital transformation and change the transformation goals of enterprises fromSolve the problem转变为Create value

Specialized new enterprises have high enthusiasm and strong awareness of digital transformation, but the motivation of most enterprises' transformation is still passively following the changes in the market, technology, consumer demand or policy support direction, and only transforming to solve problems, but lacking systematic and strategic digital transformation planning。Guide to the Digital Transformation of smes (Letter from the Office of Industry and Information Technology [202233Put forward,When smes implement digital transformation,Digital level assessment and diagnosis should be carried out first,Evaluate the digital base level and the current state of business management,Tap transformation needs,Analyze the potential value and feasibility of the transformation of production, supply, marketing and service,Identify implementation priorities for each aspect of digital transformation,Regularly adjust the transformation strategy according to the actual development of the enterprise,Effectively ensure the input-output ratio and transformation effectiveness of digital transformation。At present, the number of suppliers providing high-quality and professional digital diagnosis and planning in the domestic digital transformation service ecosystem is small, and the diagnosis and solutions provided by single-link digital transformation service providers are still limited to the service providers' own segments, which cannot cover all aspects of enterprise digital transformation。Moreover, because enterprises do not pay attention to digital transformation planning and lack of professionals with digital thinking and technical capabilities, the proportion of specialized and special new enterprises carrying out effective digital diagnosis and planning is still at a low level。

(3) The demand level of digital transformation elements is higher, and the density of capital and manpower investment is greater

Specialized new enterprises develop faster and the development process is compressed to a higher degree, according to relevant statistics, small and medium-sized enterprises with core technical capabilities are usually established2~5Within the year can grow into a specialized new enterprise, in10Has the potential to grow into小巨人Enterprises, and more likely to eventually become invisible champions, individual champions。With the rapid expansion of the scale of specialized and special new enterprises, the business links have gradually increased,Market share continues to increase,Will face the continuous expansion of the scale of personnel, business sites scattered and other problems,The new demands and new management formats of enterprises using digital technology to improve the level of operation and management and strengthen the online collaboration ability of various departments will become one必选题

1.High capital investment

High investment in transformation funds is the core problem faced by smes in digital transformation,It is often the most difficult problem for businesses to solve,New and specialized enterprises need to constantly iterate and optimize digital business management systems and tools in the rapid development,The problem is compared with ordinary small and medium-sized enterprises,The amount of money invested in digital transformation and system maintenance is larger and the investment period is longer,And the need to deal with the constantly emerging costs of new renovation projects。

2.Management is facing challenges

Under the current situation of rapid iteration and function upgrade of digital technology and application system,Enterprise's digital system use, data management application ability will also face greater challenges,The difficulty lies in how to give full play to the efficiency of enterprise digital business system,Ensure digital business strategy and transformation direction is always clear,Finally realize the ultimate goal from the optimization of production and operation management to the transformation of digital innovation and service products to the transformation of service products。


The digital management ability of enterprise managers, the digital system operation ability of technical and business personnel are the basis of enterprise digital transformation and business digital transformation。According to the above average level of digitalization of specialized new enterprises,Basic information system management and operation and maintenance personnel can not meet the demand,It is necessary to organize a group of digital operations personnel and digital strategy managers with digital management capabilities,Through the use of massive data to achieve data analysis and decision-making digital operations, intelligent manufacturing and digital marketing。

(4) It is necessary to actively integrate into the chain transformation and invigorate the upstream and downstream ecological resources of the industrial chain

To promote the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, while playing the guiding role of the government, the leading chain master enterprises should also continue to play the industrial chainDigital intelligence upgradeShare ecological resources such as digital intelligence empowerment, financing services, talent induction and training to drive upstream and downstream smes链式Digital transformation。Among them, specialized and special new enterprises have stronger advantages compared with other small and medium-sized enterprises in terms of transformation willingness, financial strength and industrial chain supporting ability,On the chain can enjoy the industrial chain leading enterprises own resource advantages and industrial chain influence,Gain insight into the industry personality, taking into account the common needs of the diversified matrix transformation service ecology,We can drive upstream and downstream enterprises through our own digital transformation casesLook and learnTo form digital services around key nodes of the industrial chain微生态In order to feed the supply chain and ecological chain of large enterprises, form an innovation community, and enhance the digital level of the entire industrial chain。


Third, promote the implementation of digital transformation strategies for specialized and special new enterprises


According to specialized new enterprise digital transformation pathprogressive”“Planning first”“High energy input”“Active chain meltingSuch demand characteristics, by promoting the government side, the market side and the enterprise itself to form a joint force to promote specialized special new enterprisesDigital intelligence upgrade

(1) The government side will strengthen policy guidance and support, and identify policy power points to improve the accuracy of Huihui enterprises

Clarify the demand characteristics of specialized and special new enterprises, and accurately position the transformationPain, stuck, difficult点,因Formulate support policies that are more in line with the situation of specialized and specialized new enterprises, and guide specialized and specialized new enterprises to implement digital diagnosis and medium and long-term planning through funds。Support high-quality service providers and strengthen service providers' ability to implement digital diagnosis and further implement diagnosis into comprehensive solutions and mid - and long-term planning。We will strengthen the training of digital talents for small and medium-sized enterprises at different levels,According to the needs of talents at different digital levels, the talent cultivation system of different levels should be constructed,And improve the digital transformation skills of talent evaluation incentive system,Flexible use of subsidy funds and tax incentives,Guide enterprises to strengthen the construction and cultivation of digital talents。

(2) Strengthen multi-level service supply at the market end and create a multi-layer digital transformation service ecosystem

Today, solutions that focus on a single business function can no longer match the demands of the increasingly willing and profound digital transformation process。At the same time, the use of different solutions between different production management links is easy to form data flow blocking points, resulting in data islands, reducing the efficiency and effect of data management。In order to solve the above problems, first, the chain owners and leading enterprises in the market should play a role头雁In accordance with the idea of building a platform for large enterprises and using a platform for small enterprises, we actively attract and recruit specialized new enterprises from upstream and downstream of the industrial chain to actively integrate into digital application scenarios and industrial ecological construction;The integration chain of specialized and special new enterprises is transformed into an industrial chainDigital intelligence upgradeLeverage the moving point, promote the real-time interoperability of upstream and downstream R & D and production data, horizontally open up information barriers, share digital ecological services, reduce transformation costs, and improve transformation benefits。Second, in addition to the chain transformation services focusing on a certain industrial field, market digital service providers should also be encouraged to sort out a number of typical application scenarios and solutions for common problems and subdivisions, and create highly systematic and integrated solutions that deeply integrate the characteristics of industries, industries and key enterprises。

(3) The enterprise side strengthens its own digital infrastructure and drives the overall improvement of its digital capabilities

From the beginning of the transformation, enterprises need to pay attention to their own digital capacity building, and should plan the next stage of digital capacity improvement plan in different transformation links, such as digital infrastructure upgrading and digital talent team optimization。The upgrading of digital infrastructure includes the construction of data centers, data collection and analysis systems, and the construction of security safeguards, etc., which can support the transformation and upgrading of front-end business processes。Optimize the digital talent team through personnel cultivation and talent introduction,From supporting the internal digital transformation of enterprises to exporting digital services,Move from management transformation to business transformation,Gradually establish a complete talent training echelon,Establish a five-level talent training plan for front-line operation, business system management analysis, technology research and development, strategic planning, and senior leaders。


Iv. Concluding remarks


Under the huge advantages of labor resources, digital and intelligent transformation is faced with problems such as huge capital investment, high time cost of technical personnel training and pressure of business model transformation, coupled with the inability to see significant benefits and returns in the short term, so that smes are still wait-and-see and hesitant about digital transformation。However, under the current situation that smes continue to face downward pressure on the economy, the growth rate of the material economy has slowed down, and they have entered the stage of stock fighting, digital transformation is no longer a problem选答题It is related to the survival and long-term development of smes必修课。Specialized new businesses require business and services through the full process/The collaborative digital transformation of the whole life cycle of the product will further strengthen the market flexible response ability and tougher anti-risk ability, constantly expand the survival and development space, improve the efficiency of innovation drive, and cope with the unpredictable external economic environment and emerging technologies, so as to achieve high-quality development。


[1]Ministry of Industry and Information Technology General Office,About the release of smes digital level evaluation indicators (2022(annual edition).[EB/OL].(2022-10-5)[2023-12-21].

Published: China Engineering Consulting20241Period, total no286

  作者:王静婷  王子强


