Industry Watch


Comparative analysis of IC industry between Beijing and Shanghai and suggestions on the development of IC industry in Beijing




[Editor's note] At present, China's IC industry is facing a new external situation, and important IC industry towns such as Beijing and Shanghai are bound to assume more strategic missions。The "rush" of domestic local governments for the integrated circuit industry has also made Beijing and Shanghai face the "spillover effect" challenge of more industrial resources and innovative talents。在此背景下,This paper will be based on the recent five years Beijing and Shanghai integrated circuit industry development basic situation,从产业规模、结构、优势企业、重大项目、布局,组织统筹、产业政策、金融环境、区域协同等多个方面,对两地发展态势的差异性进行比较,并从中梳理出北京集成电路产业发展的不足和瓶颈,Put forward reasonable suggestions for the new positioning and new path of the development of Beijing IC industry during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period。
Under the transformation of the global economic pattern, in the process of the rise of an emerging power like China, the central city, as the hub of technological innovation, knowledge gathering and industrial development, plays a key role as the source of scientific and technological innovation。应该看到,北京和上海一直是我国集成电路产业发展的先锋城市,It is also the main growth pole of the two major regional innovation highlands of the domestic integrated circuit industry - the Yangtze River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei,The concentration level of human capital and research and development institutions, the intensity of innovation investment, the scale of knowledge creation, and the diffusion effect of technological achievements are far ahead of other regions。During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the integrated circuit industry, as a strategic industry vigorously promoted by the state, faced a new external situation and internal challenges。其中,全球贸易环境和地缘政治的变化,Encourage some countries to restrict the development of China's high-tech industry through administrative and even judicial means,这对于正处于发展阶段的我国集成电路产业造成较大压力,Important IC industry towns such as Beijing and Shanghai are bound to undertake more strategic missions。The "rush" of domestic local governments for the integrated circuit industry has also made Beijing and Shanghai face the "spillover effect" challenge of more industrial resources and innovative talents。在此背景下,This paper will be based on the development of integrated circuit industry in Beijing and Shanghai in the past five years,从产业规模、结构、优势企业、重大项目、布局,Compare the differences in the development trend of the two places in many aspects, such as organizational planning, industrial services, industrial policies, financial environment and regional coordination,并从中梳理出北京集成电路产业发展的不足和瓶颈,为其“十四五”发展的新定位、新路径提出合理建议。



(1)产业规模比较。As shown in Table 1, the entire integrated circuit industry in Shanghai, including the equipment and materials industry, achieved sales revenue of 170.6 billion yuan in 2019, and the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2015 to 2019 was 17.5%。During the same period, the entire integrated circuit industry in Beijing, including the equipment and materials industry, achieved sales revenue of 89.3 billion yuan, with a CAGR of 10 from 2015 to 2019.2%。
In addition, in terms of the scale of the two places, including the equipment and materials industry, the scale of Shanghai's IC industry has maintained more than 20% of China's IC industry in the past five years, while Beijing has declined from 16% in 2015 to 11% in 2019。In other words, the current size of Beijing is only 1/10 of the country and 1/2 of Shanghai。
Among them, from the growth rate point of view, the growth rate of the two places is lower than the average growth rate of China's integrated circuit industry in the past five years.However, the gap between Beijing's growth rate and the national average growth rate in the past five years is 8%, which does not match the status of Beijing's integrated circuit industry。

Table 1: Revenue and growth rate of integrated circuit industry (excluding equipment and materials industry) in China, Shanghai and Beijing from 2015 to 2019

(2)产业结构比较。From the perspective of industrial structure, as shown in Table 2, Shanghai integrated circuit industry organization is more optimized and balanced。Compared with 2015, the share of Shanghai integrated circuit design industry increased from 32% to 42%, strengthening the leading role。The closed test industry dropped from 36% to 22%, and the proportion of manufacturing and equipment and materials industry remained relatively stable, which can be seen that the evolution of the overall industrial structure is gradually improving。In contrast, Beijing's industrial structure is slightly unbalanced, and the design industry has declined from 70% in 2015 to 67% in 2019, while the manufacturing, sealing and testing, equipment and material industries are all about 10%, indicating that Beijing is still facing the unbalanced development of all aspects of the industry and the problem of obvious industrial shortcomings。

Table 2: Revenue and growth rates of various IC industry segments in Shanghai and Beijing from 2015 to 2019

(3)优势企业比较。优势和领军企业是地方集成电路产业的重要支撑。First of all, from the ranking of the top ten enterprises in the various formats of the domestic integrated circuit industry, the number of shortlisted enterprises in the field of design, equipment and materials in Beijing and Shanghai is similar, remaining at about 3-4。而在制造、封测领域入围的企业数量方面,上海则更占优势。In addition, in terms of listed enterprises, the total number of listed enterprises related to integrated circuits in Beijing is 12, of which 1 is listed on the Science and Technology board。There are 19 listed companies related to integrated circuits in Shanghai, of which 8 are listed on the Science and Technology board。Secondly, the Beijing integrated circuit industry is highly dependent on leading enterprises, and nearly 70% of the output value is contributed by large enterprises, but in recent years, there has been a phenomenon that some key leading enterprises in Beijing have migrated to Shanghai, such as Bada Semiconductor, Unigungrui, etc., which needs to attract certain attention。

(4)技术产品比较。Shanghai integrated circuit enterprises involve more areas, so the enterprise product distribution span is very large, product variety。For example, in the field of chip design, many companies are active in wireless communication chips (WIFI, Bluetooth, etc.), RF front-end, high-performance power management chips, MCU, sensors, audio and video multimedia chips, artificial intelligence chips and other fields。Shanghai's top ten integrated circuit design enterprises only account for about 40% of the total sales of Shanghai's design industry, indicating that the concentration of Shanghai's integrated circuit design industry is not high, especially in recent years, small and medium-sized integrated circuit enterprises are active in innovation and entrepreneurship, and a large number of enterprises with high growth potential continue to emerge in Shanghai。In contrast, the main product areas of Beijing integrated circuits are still based on traditional advantages such as memory design, embedded CPU, smart card and financial IC, display chip, etc., and few Beijing start-ups are seen to participate in the product plate of domestic innovation and entrepreneurship。In addition, from the perspective of solving "stuck neck" products and key technology areas, Beijing and Shanghai have made similar contributions。如位于北京的中芯北方现为中国内地产能最大的12英寸晶圆代工厂,也是国内最大最领先的国产工艺、设备与材料验证平台,为近几年集成电路核心装备和材料国产化率的提升提供了巨大支持。Shanghai SMIC South is constantly breaking through the advanced process, the 14nm process has been mass produced, and the improved version of the 12nm process is also being introduced。In addition, in the fields of EDA tools, photoresist, large silicon wafers, etchers, PVD and other key materials, equipment and software tools, Beijing and Shanghai are also carrying the heavy task of domestic breakthrough in these fields。

(5)重大项目比较。重大项目技术含量高、投资额大、行业影响力大,往往一个项目就能集聚一批产业发展关键要素,Can accelerate the formation or consolidation of a city in the field of integrated circuit development highlights and advantages,Therefore, the major integrated circuit project has become an important starting point for the layout of the integrated circuit industry。近年来,Shanghai has launched a number of major IC projects such as Huali Phase II "12-inch advanced process IC production line", SMIC South "12-inch advanced process IC production line", and Jita Semiconductor "characteristic process production line" under China Electronics Bada Semiconductor,And the National Integrated Circuit Innovation Center, the National smart sensor Innovation Center two national innovation centers listed,总投资超过千亿,进一步夯实了上海在集成电路制造领域的优势地位,也进一步推动全球集成电路创新资源力量进一步向上海集中。In contrast, in recent years, Beijing integrated circuit industry in the introduction and cultivation of major projects are some "dead drum", Yandong micro 8-inch production line, Newei technology MEMS project and other production line investment, as well as the total investment of Beijing integrated circuit equipment innovation center and other projects has not exceeded 10 billion。

(6)产业布局比较。Shanghai has gathered a number of integrated circuit industrial parks, such as Zhangjiang Park, Caohejing Development Zone, Songjiang Industrial Park and Zizhu Development Zone, which are the main carriers for the development of Shanghai's integrated circuit industry。Among them, Zhangjiang High-tech Park is the industrial park with the most concentrated integrated circuit industry, the highest comprehensive technology level and the most complete industrial chain in China。除此之外,The new Lingang area of the Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone newly approved by The State Council has also begun to build an integrated circuit industrial base,凭借其特殊区域性产业政策力度,正快速集聚产业链上下游优质资源,Has attracted more than 100 billion output value of integrated circuit major projects and key enterprises landing,很有可能会成为未来上海集成电路产业发展的新兴增长点。While Beijing's industrial layout is relatively simple and concentrated, the design is mainly distributed in Haidian District, with two industrial parks, Zhongguancun Integrated Circuit Design Park and Beijing Integrated Circuit Design Park, while the manufacturing and equipment industry is mainly distributed in Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone and Shunyi District。相比上海,北京集成电路产业在特色园区建设方面略逊一筹,The number of IC enterprises in the two industrial parks, Zhongguancun IC Design Park and Beijing IC Design Park, is less than 1/3 of the total number of IC enterprises in Beijing,不仅数量和规模较小,并且对企业的吸引力不大,导致园区的集聚程度不高。


(1)组织统筹比较。集成电路产业需要政府和市场机制的协同支撑,Effective top-level design and organizational planning by the government is the basic way to promote the rapid development of strategic industries,In 2014, the "National Integrated Circuit Industry Development and Promotion Outline" proposed the establishment of an industry development leading group to strengthen overall coordination, and the establishment of an advisory committee to provide advice on major issues and policy measures of industrial development。In 2015, Shanghai announced the establishment of the integrated circuit industry development leading group, marking the rise of the integrated circuit industry development to a key area related to the overall economic development of Shanghai。In the process of industrial development, the leading group has indeed created good conditions for the development of Shanghai integrated circuit industry to gather resources from all parties and promote industrial development as a whole。In 2019, the Shanghai Association for Science and Technology set up an "Integrated Circuit Professional Committee" headed by academicians to provide discussion and consultation for Shanghai on major issues such as future industrial development trend, technological evolution route, industrial ecological construction, and industrial fund operation mode。In contrast, Beijing has not publicly set up a leading group for the development of the integrated circuit industry, nor has it formed a fixed expert consultation mechanism, so it lacks a certain guarantee in the overall planning of industrial organizations。

(2)创新资源比较。Beijing and Shanghai are the two cities with the most integrated circuit scientific research resources and cutting-edge basic innovation capabilities in China。Six universities in Beijing, including Tsinghua University, Peking University, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology and Beijing University of Technology, have built or are preparing to build demonstration microelectronics schools, which is the largest number of demonstration microelectronics schools in the country。Scientific research achievements such as carbon nanotube integrated circuits and heterogeneous fusion brain-like computing chips have been published many times by the journal Nature, so Beijing has more advantages in terms of basic research talents and cutting-edge innovation resources for integrated circuits。Shanghai has long relied on the spillover of technology and engineers from a large number of foreign IC enterprises in the early stage of industrial development, and has more strength in IC industrialization talents and engineering innovation。

(3)产业政策比较。As shown in Table 3, in recent years, Beijing and Shanghai have formulated corresponding IC industrial policies according to the actual local conditions。From the comparison, it can be seen that Shanghai's special policy is better than Beijing in terms of overall support strength and support scope, for example, the maximum total support amount for streaming film subsidies reached 15 million yuan, while Beijing only 2 million。In addition, Shanghai has also introduced a special policy for integrated circuit talents, and the core team and personnel of qualified integrated circuit enterprises have implemented a personal reward of up to 500,000 yuan, while Beijing has no special policy for integrated circuit talents。In particular, it should be noted that the new Lingang area of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone newly approved by The State Council has recently introduced what can be called the most powerful integrated circuit industrial policy in China, compared with Beijing's policy。

(4)金融环境比较。The integrated circuit industry is a typical capital-intensive industry, so a high-quality financial environment has a very obvious role in promoting and accelerating industrial development。The opening of the science and technology innovation board and the pilot registration system have made the eyes of science and technology innovative enterprises nationwide focus on Shanghai,加之集成电路又是科创板重点支持的领域,Therefore, the introduction of the science and technology board is conducive to attracting and gathering high-quality integrated circuit enterprises in Shanghai,At the same time, it also provides a new market-oriented way for the cultivation, support and screening of local IC scientific and technological innovation enterprises in Shanghai。Beijing is relatively lack of "science and technology board" brought by the east wind, especially in the field of integrated circuits, enterprises can directly access to science and technology board related resources are very limited。


(5)区域协同比较。The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the Yangtze River Delta are both important regions of China's integrated circuit industry, and Beijing and Shanghai are the central cities and main growth poles of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the Yangtze River Delta region respectively。然而北京对于津冀两地,由于各地为政,缺乏有效的协调机制,加之各自发展的主导产业差距过大,因此出现了典型的“虹吸效应”,京津冀三地在集成电路产业协同发展上一直未见起色,更难以实现津冀两地对北京集成电路产业的配套与支撑。而长三角区域则呈现另一种局面,江苏、浙江与上海在集成电路产业上的发展差距并不大,不会出现资源一直向上海聚集的情况,On the contrary, the correlation of industries has strengthened the links and exchanges between Shanghai and Jiangsu and Zhejiang industries,从而有利于资源由上海向江苏、浙江扩散,这典型的溢出效应,给长三角集成电路产业不断带来产业升级的新动力,同时上海自身产业发展也获得了来自区域协同联动的支持。


From the above comparison, it can be seen that compared with Shanghai, Beijing has gaps in the development foundation of integrated circuit industry and external resources and environment。During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the development of Beijing integrated circuit industry has also entered an important window period from focusing on scale and system integrity to focusing on quality and basic capabilities, so we should further understand the gap, identify positioning, and implement accurate policies。

The state has established a national integrated circuit industry promotion leading group led by Vice Premier Liu He, and it is recommended that our city establish a municipal promotion group led by the city leadership and composed of the responsible person of the relevant commission bureau。Strengthen top-level design, overall planning of resources such as capital, land, and policies for industrial development, solve major problems, and comprehensively align the support policies of relevant ministries and commissions of the state。At the same time, it is proposed to set up a Beijing integrated Circuit Professional Committee to attract experts from universities, research institutes, enterprises and financial institutions to provide discussion and consultation for Beijing on key issues such as industrial development, technological evolution, industrial ecology, industrial funds, and major projects。

First, focusing on the major needs of the national economic and social development, closely combining the major national strategies, strengthening the connection with the national ministries and commissions, and accelerating the organization and implementation of a number of major strategic projects with industry influence and benchmarking demonstration effect through the introduction and cultivation of central and local cooperation and other measures。
二是,依托重大项目作为抓手,Attract a group of top innovation resources around the world that can undertake major tasks, achieve cutting-edge results, make outstanding contributions, and form the "spire effect",突破一批具有全局性、带动性的关键共性技术,培育具有国际竞争力的研发创新体系,打造全球集成电路前沿创新的战略策源地。

Research and formulate more targeted and more powerful special policies to support the development of integrated circuit industry leaders, unicorn enterprises and hidden champions, and give key support and resource tilt in terms of capital, project land, housing, and talent settlement。尤其是在重大项目建设和重点团队引进上要全市上下协力,加强企业创新能力培育,推动企业快速发展壮大,In integrated circuit design and EDA, equipment, compound semiconductor and other advantageous industrial links continue to form a leading trend,在制造代工、封装测试等产业板块进一步提升竞争力。

The second is to strengthen macro guidance and policy support, guide leading design enterprises in the advantageous segments of the Beijing integrated circuit industry chain, such as industrial semiconductors and display chips, to develop IDM or virtual IDM models in combination with the needs of the industrial chain layout, and promote the layout of manufacturing or closed test capacity in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region to achieve linked development。

First, give full play to Beijing's advantages in the concentration of integrated circuit science and education resources, release the innovation efficiency of universities and research institutes, strengthen the connection with national science and technology plans (special projects, funds, etc.), plan the layout of original innovation in key areas of integrated circuits, and lead the research on key scientific issues in the frontier field of integrated circuits in China。
二是,Support Beijing integrated circuit enterprises to strengthen industry-university-research cooperation with institutions of higher learning and research institutes,瞄准国际科技前沿,以国家目标和战略需求为导向,整合优势力量,积极布局一批革命性基础和应用技术创新成果,并促进其落地转化,积极争取未来规则的制定权与主导权,引领国际产业发展方向。

Zhu Jing, Senior Economist, Registered Consulting Engineer (Investment), Industrial Economics Department 6, Beijing International Engineering Consulting Co., LTD.
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